Wasabi wallet | Bitcoin privacy wallet with built-in coinjoin

Wasabi Wallet provides educational resources and documentation to help users understand the privacy features and best practices for maintaining anonymity when using the wallet.


Wasabi Wallet is a privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet that emphasizes anonymity and fungibility. Launched in 2018, Wasabi Wallet incorporates various privacy-enhancing technologies, including CoinJoin, to help users break the link between their Bitcoin transactions. Here's an overview of Wasabi Wallet:

  1. Privacy Features: Wasabi Wallet employs a privacy technique called CoinJoin, which allows multiple users to combine their Bitcoin transactions into a single transaction with multiple inputs and outputs. This process makes it more challenging to trace individual transactions, enhancing privacy and fungibility.

  2. Chaumian CoinJoin: The CoinJoin implementation in Wasabi is based on Chaumian CoinJoin, a concept introduced by cryptographer David Chaum. This method ensures that even the participants in the transaction cannot determine which input corresponds to which output, providing a higher level of privacy.

  3. User Interface: Wasabi Wallet features a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. The wallet's design emphasizes simplicity and ease of use while still incorporating advanced privacy features.

  4. Tor Integration: Wasabi Wallet integrates with the Tor network, a privacy-focused network that helps anonymize internet traffic. This integration further enhances the privacy of users by obscuring their IP addresses when interacting with the Bitcoin network.

  5. No Address Reuse: Wasabi encourages users not to reuse Bitcoin addresses. This practice contributes to privacy by preventing the consolidation of transaction data associated with a single address, reducing the potential for tracking and analysis.

  6. Open Source: Wasabi Wallet is an open-source project, allowing users and developers to review its code for transparency and security. The open-source nature of the project fosters trust within the cryptocurrency community.

  7. Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallet: Wasabi is an HD wallet, meaning it can generate an unlimited number of addresses from a single seed. HD wallets are more secure and convenient as they simplify the process of regularly changing addresses for privacy purposes.

  8. Active Development: The development team behind Wasabi Wallet is actively working on improving and expanding the features of the wallet. Regular updates are released to address bugs, improve performance, and implement additional privacy measures.

  9. Fungibility: Fungibility refers to the interchangeable nature of units in a currency. Wasabi's privacy features contribute to Bitcoin's fungibility by making individual bitcoins more difficult to trace, preventing discrimination based on their transaction history.

  10. Educational Resources: Wasabi Wallet provides educational resources and documentation to help users understand the privacy features and best practices for maintaining anonymity when using the wallet.

It's important to note that while Wasabi Wallet enhances privacy, users should still adhere to best practices and be mindful of potential privacy leaks, such as using common input ownership heuristics. Additionally, as with any cryptocurrency wallet, users should keep their backup (seed phrase) secure and follow general security practices.

Last updated